Tuesday, February 25, 2014

To Be Serialized Daily In March

Starting this Saturday, March 1, the FREEZINE of Fantasy and Science Fiction (in association with The Project Gutenberg produced by Suzanne Shell, Beth Trapaga, Charles Franks, and their Online Distributed Proofreading Team) will present our host of readers and subscribers with the full and original text of Robert W. Chambers 1895 collection of short stories The King in Yellow (originally published by F. Tennyson Neely).    

All ten stories will be serialized word for word in thirty-two daily installments throughout March, including weekends. (One of the stories, The Prophets of Paradise, comprised of eight extremely short written sequences, will provide one daily installment in and of itself.) 

The remaining nine stories from the collection will be serialized by their respective parts; all in all, the anthology breaks precisely into thirty-two sections of a dread prose whose infectious quality may only become fully apparent once the reader subjects him or herself to its malignancy in person.   

Be sure to remain subscribed to the FREEZINE of Fantasy and Science Fiction, and tell as many friends as you possibly can about this exciting resurrection of the most feared manuscript in the history of humanity's weird literature.   

Readers be warned:  it is well known that this book has been proven to infect susceptible readers the world over with a particular meme or strange virus whose nature is to spread and affect only those who have been rather unfortunate enough to have considered themselves immune to the consequences of having been exposed to the dread post-hypnotic commands provided courtesy of Robert W. Chambers through his infamous sequence of toxic tales bound together and collected into the fabled tome referred to as The King in Yellow.       

So be sure to prepare yourselves for the first installment, 



"Ne raillons pas les fous; leur folie dure plus longtemps que la nôtre.... Voila toute la différence."

  "Do not sneer at the fools, their madness lasts longer than ours...That is the difference."

Monday, February 24, 2014

The Bloodhost Awaken

by Shaun Lawton, your friendly Editor in Chief

New transmissions have been received from the Bloodhost and are in the process of being decoded. The nanofleet are asking us here at the FREEZINE to once again exhume some legendary tales that have been long buried to the point they are ripe for the reaving.

The purpose of this weblog is to continue publishing fiction new and old at an irregular and often unpredictable pace and to remain an archive of all the stories it has managed to capture within the outspread webbing of its net. As some of you may have noticed, there has been a sharp drop-off of activity here on the Freezine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, as of late.

That is because this webzine results from the devoted labor of one man.  Just one person reads the slushpile, edits and copies and pastes, (or in extreme cases, types out word for word (as in the case of Blag Dahlia's contribution) by hand all the hypertext markup language necessary to display the original color illustrations and the different fonts and various effects for the typesetting.

The point being, the stories represented by the FREEZINE are still archived here.  They are still perfectly accessible on the latest iPads and smart devices, and according to the instructions I've received from the nano fleet presumably in my bloodstream, this blog, in whatever multiple apparitions it might morph into, shall remain here to stay up until an unforeseen or unpreventable solar magnetic radiation flux disaster (your proverbial EMP) of unprecedented proportions occurs; barring that, this Cybernetic Anthology of Chronologically Archived Science Fiction and Fantasy (and Horror) Stories will remain here in all its twisted and digitally braided glory to sprout new translucent leaves etched with our charming sigils for future generations to stumble upon and read.

So if you're still with us after all these months of net silence, then I'm pleased you're here (in fact I'm beaming ear to ear). If you're new or old to having stumbled unforetold across this site online upon the vast undulating surface of the great wide world web, by all means welcome. Peruse the Blog Archive and hit the +1 Button...  ~follow by e-mail~ ...and subscribe or Follow in any way the Freezine of Fantasy and Science Fiction today.

Follow on Blogger or Facebook or subscribe by any means necessary. The Freezine of Fantasy and Science Fiction is ultimately a group effort and may be considered as a sort of online creative writing workshop easily accessible on all digital formats including but not limited to mobile phones and computer accessory devices being manufactured across the world at a pace the individual may be incapable of keeping up with, but nevermind that so long as Google continues to make our blogger domain here online free and accessible to anyone in the world who wants it.

Thank you for following and supporting the FREEZINE.  I'll see you all the next time I am decreed by unexpected circumstances to produce another issue of quality speculative fiction, new or old.  

Consider this electric zine to be in temporary stasisin a momentarily anesthetized state from having retreated into cybernetic hibernation. As Editor in Chief of this unpredictable cyber vessel, I hope to break the dry spell we've been suffering under here lately with a newly introduced daily serialization of an ancient classic seeking against hope to be revived yet again to infect another generation of unsuspecting sleepers.

It is not even necessary for any of you to "stay tuned" in the least, as subscribers get automatically notified via email (or Networked Blogs on facebook) every time the Freezine makes an official announcement,  or publishes a new story or chapter of an ongoing serial. How easy is that? And it's free, without any annoying advertisements polluting its margins.   

So tell a friend who loves to read fantasy and science fiction (and horror) to check out and Follow the FREEZINE today.  Also: stay tuned for another upcoming announcement, coming soon.  

The Bloodhost have become restless...