Sunday, June 28, 2009

Launching Monday, July 6, 2009

                                                                              photograph by Shasta Fletcher

the Freezine of Fantasy and Science Fiction

"a freezine devoted to the resurgence of a post-
New Wave Science Fiction & Fantasy ethic

The editors of the Freezine -- the bloodhost, I sometimes call them -- or nanoswarm -- seem to be battling harder within me every day to excise my interference altogether so they can address you directly. I won't let them. I'll have you know it's a matter of willpower alone that is allowing me to maintain a strong presence here. Don't get me wrong. I don't perceive them as the enemy or anything. For all I know they are here to help us all. I just see them as a refined tool whose delicate intricacies may outweigh my capability of mastering them. Such a tool can only become dangerous in unskilled hands. Forget about double edged instruments -- with the microhorde, three edges is just the beginning. But I digress.

This missive has been generated with a post automatic suggestion implanted in the mind of your host--yours truly--to bring you up to date with our Freezine's progress. To the Zine's current Followers: You are the Inner Sanctum. We may now extract a randomized variable with just enough coherency, from the configuration of forty-four neurolinks, to proceed. Digital Man--welcome to the Fold. You are the forty-fourth member of the Inner Sanctum.

What's cooking on the platter for the Freezine's Debut is the launching of the serialized novella SKY PIRATES from none other than award-winning novelist John Shirley. It is a good old-fashioned, blast-em space opera set on an alien world, and appears here for the first time. Although it serves well as a stand-alone story, it is roughly the first half of a novel still in progress. SKY PIRATES should fit snugly into July's serial slot, ending on Thursday, July 30. John's newest books are BLACK GLASS: The Lost Cyberpunk Novel out from Elder Signs Press, and in August Simon and Schuster is bringing out his urban fantasy novel, BLEAK HISTORY. Be sure to visit his authorized website at

Also ready to be served up each and every Friday, are enticing pieces of fiction from Johnny Strike, David Agranoff, Keith Graham, and many more as yet top-secret undercover fantasists.

Johnny Strike is a founding member of the protopunk band CRIME (vocals/guitar) as well as author of the 2007 short story collection A Loud Humming Sound Came From Above (published by Rudos and Rubes), and the 2004 novel Ports Of Hell (published by Diagonal).

David Agranoff is the author of a short story collection Screams from a Dying World just released by Afterbirth Books. Afterbirth will also be releasing his first novel Hunting the Moon Tribe.

Keith Graham is a Computer Programmer, Blues Harp player and Speculative Fiction writer. He currently maintains 45 active websites. He has published more than 50 stories over the last six years in venues such as Martian Wave, AtomJack, Electric Spec, Aoffe's Kiss, Tales of the Talisman, Fifth Di..., The Harrow, and many others. Visit his website:

I can now reveal that the Freezine of Fantasy and Science Fiction will declare its independence by debuting Monday, July 6, 2009, with the John Shirley novella SKY PIRATES presented in daily installments, from Mondays to Thursdays. Each Friday we will present a different short story by another author for our dear Followers to print up and read over the weekend. Week 2 should present the continuation of SKY PIRATES, with another juicy story offered up that coming Friday. This daily eperiodical will meet the qualification (in the eyes of the post -blog -twit -generation) of being updated irregularly (five times a week, twenty times a month, two-hundred-and-sixty times a year, more or less). Just don't expect anything on weekends. The bloodhost need to recharge their power supply.

-- breaking urgent memo from the fleet -- we are to include an interview with a writer at least one Friday a month. --/end memo

-- New breaking memo -- the nano-armada informs me they have arrived at the final stage of their calculations. They encourage writers to "submit their fantasy and science fiction short stories and novellas with all the terrific elements of horrifying tales rooted in these traditions". --/end memo

email your submissions to:

These imaginative tales and interviews are quite eagerly anticipated by the microhorde. They tell me they want to "copy them and send them on". I suggest we should not seek to fear the unknown, but to understand it. I think its best we work with the nanofleet, and provide for them exactly what they want: the elixir of our dreams.