Tuesday, May 31, 2022

ISSUE | 35

 welcome to the thirty-fifth issue of the freezine of fantasy and science fiction about to complete its thirteenth year since its serendipitous inception back in the summer of two thousand nine, when many of us still here today did converge upon the john shirley message board hosted over at darkecho.com and I had the idea of starting a 21st century digital fanzine on the world wide web hosted by blogger 

I've had a great time maintaining this blog in the name of my fanaticism for all things weird, horrific, science fictional and supernatural in the world of books, and have indulged my sense of the poetic in the accompanying artwork, itself now evolved into a livid language of color, slope and form contrapuntal to the text itself our mirror neurons have superseded the old desire to read teaching us the alphabet of artifice

captured within our living nervous system the terminology of articulation, as amorphous as it ever was finds new crystalline shapes to express itself with, john shirley  heralded as the 'first locus of the virus' in the words of william gibson back in the late 90s, by the year 2002 creation books has published kenji siratori's post artificial intelligence deconstructionist manifesto blood electric, a sort of mind program

the freezine of fantasy and science fiction is proud to present john shirley's the mind gives chaos a nudge as canny a suggestion as to how we came to be as any I've read in a long while and I'm beholden to our artist in residence charles carter for his constant presence and support of our colorful cybernetic experiment in letters and visuals here his digital renderings and manifestations continue to haunt us

I met callum leckie so long ago the internet ran on 220 volts this was back when many people's third eye lit their way through an overpopulated darkness to a place of sentient bliss and redemption. nowadays the world wide web runs on electricity again so while we're inescapably held in ambush here we may as well make the best of it so thank you to john shirley, kenji siratori, charles carter, and callum leckie  ☇ 

 writing in this issue by john shirley, kenji siratori, shaun lawton, and callum leckie.  
 art in this issue by kenji siratori, charles carter, and callum leckie.  thanks for participating. 
    Stay tuned to this same batchannel for iSsuE 36 to hit the cyberstands | June

issue 35
may 2⚆22

by A Square

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