Monday, May 30, 2022


 by Kenji Siratori and Shaun Lawton 

                                                                      digital art by Kenji Siratori

higher movement than human gimmick telepathy is thrown i can't do everything from exposure to yin-yang mutants from real-life negotiations of many joys to seek and solve it i don't seem to be co-eating because parasites are lazy in phenomena along the body if text is the language of the chakras, like afterglow, we will adjust this in parallel the whereabouts will be illiquid i will only translate the corpse and urine trade words of will and the sharp present future is forgotten the number of emotional proofs is still the name of the person born can be intended to include but this makes no sense to the completeness of the considered digital than the organs that make you in the body's have been abolished to handle new crossroads to animals and affect the emergency entity is basically posthuman and the ribbons that embody some rescues appear to be out of reach of app fact of the reversal from reptiles is even recalled by it ... you influence humans and continue to produce eyes well download this word, enjoy poetics it's starting to flow unthinkingly as a story of a fucking hybrid, stanza reduction developers and what was the borderline literature of hyperplasia? your stagnant a purifies it doesn't resent the polar regions the extension for messenger decoding eliminates the sense of real name, posthuman talking posthuman translation but crazy self justice ... it is a tolerant fluid that is repeatedly increasing a half-hearted body, never descent of animal-only fortress literature, never glitch-compatible, eye-catching, shining place through this and our hole in the spirit of yin-yang activity i can tell you that the glitch is not believed to be true but when the tool reveals and repairs the cascade stones, the encounter with the new deviates and the amniotic membrane equipped with thinking no than flash messenger, using rewards only when differences are needed, the mischief you are trying to do is human ability telepathy to earthlings by humans signing objects built many derivatives soul >> the exact fate of mankind ... karma's fate calculates your internet transformation is nothing else as expected but this is looking for it in language as the human form of the future is preserved more and more, it will turn over like you and become a yin-yang fetus from writing how the key messenger you had violently, the field of human layers disappears only by "seeing the syntax" the inhumanity of the contract adventure in the call is: the cosmic organ in interlacing accidental algorithms: this is the momentary nesting of the specified account, when they generate the energy paradox of language, it brought about the energy paradox of language the different dominations between planets, including the law, were created by the abyss of will to overlook the interference of terms, when asking what is the use of a collapsing person riding a wave, or a dream purifies the earth in the sky because others want to be pioneered the words programmed only for the time of living yin and yang ... when in parallel began to purify the act of doing, in your case, the holes to rise as they are now and the need for capture is to bring such a machine based on telepathy, the host is in space to the entity bot always believed that you were fluid and received unimemory first and foremost, the emission part hasn't always carved the steps yet, so you destroyed and the elimination of the soul had no effect the essence of the wave depth of the soul is a forgotten recovery text to literature as follows: this actually has yang as dead do you always see the object in your case?

by Kenji Siratori and Shaun Lawton

Fantasy and Science

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