Generally, the Freezine will feature two stories per week. The beginning of one serialized novel or novella, and one stand alone short story. The serialized novel will be published as an X-amount of pages a day, appearing Mondays through Thursdays, usually four installments per week. These pages would constitute one chapter or section, more or less. Serialized novels will run for as many days as they require. On Fridays, a stand alone short story will typically be published, anywhere from a few pages to, hopefully, not more than the average Subscriber can handle.
By offering one entire story every Friday, Subscribers may look forward to reading it at their leisure, over the weekend. There will be no updates from the Freezine on weekends, normally. Mondays will feature the next few pages of the ongoing novel, continuing on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and pausing on Thursdays (to be continued the following Monday). And so forth.
It will be a streamlined space vessel appositioned for maximum didactic effect. We have received some stunning submissions sure to leave each and every one of you reeling in your seats and drooling for more, each and every day the Freezine updates. With an average of twenty updates per issue, our intent is to deliver three or four new short stories, possibly an interview, and one serialized novella of slipstreamed reading pleasure.
That's four or five stories every other month from as many different authors. The editors are striving to keep the quality high and the aspirations low, so get ready for the ride of your lives because when this thing takes off, it will leave you speechless with pride to know you've embarked on one of the wildest rides of your life.