detail of a photo by Shasta Lawton
So far, there are seven years archived on the official FREEZINE blog site. Nineteen serials have been published during that interim.
Sky Pirates, by John Shirley
Plastic Children, by Nigel Strange
The House in the Port, by J.R. Torina
armed to the teeth with Lipstick, by Blag Dahlia
The Fold, by G. Alden Davis
The Fallen Guardian's Mandate, by David Agranoff
Waiting For The End, by Vincent Daemon
Elimination of a Picture and It's Subject--Called the Feller's Master Stroke, by Richard Dadd
(The Trickster in the Spines, by Yves Columbar)
Cyrano & the Two Plumes, by John Shirley
Space is a Deadly Sister, by Gil James Bavel
(The Opener of Conceits, by Yves Columbar)
(Old Scratch Came to Bean Town, by Yves Columbar)
(The Alabaster Chalice, by Yves Columbar)
Elder Cruiser, by John Shirley
I Am the Sun, by Sean Manseau
The King in Yellow, by Robert W. Chambers
Of Cadence and Weathered Statues, by Vincent Daemon
Swimming in the Ghost River, by A. A. Attanasio

Due to an exceptional turn of events, four of our serials remain missing from the registry: the enigmatic Yves Columbar's uncanny WJ Tales. Few remaining subscribers today are even left to remember these disturbing serializations. It appears that many who had subscribed to our webzine back then no longer remain to be found anywhere on or offline. What's odder yet, is that the very blog archives in which these abstruse serials were stored, have vanished. It is almost as if they were experienced in a dream. We have done our best to search far and wide for Monsieur Columbar, but nary a word from this mysterious scribe has even turned up beneath a stone. So despite the fact that nineteen novellas have been serialized on the FREEZINE of Fantasy and Science Fiction, (A. A. Attanasio's Swimming in the Ghost River having the distinction of being the nineteenth), our latest novelette now remains the fifteenth entry to be serialized in our august archives. In addition, the FREEZINE now presents forty-nine stand alone stories published in the archives, all adding up to a grand total of sixty-four tales. Go ahead and read them all. I dare you.
Out of nowhere the nanohorde have suddenly requested that our triannual observe a short period of radio silence. This is the first time I've received such a peculiar request from the bloodhost. I have very few clues as to what the reasons for this stealth mode are, yet I have reason to believe this period will be very short indeed, so please relax and find something to do while we wait for our mysterious benefactors from the future to give us the green-light to proceed with our "Pentaquark" issue for this month of August, in our year 2015.
Expect the FREEZINE of Fantasy and Science Fiction to return at virtually any moment with a new story by

Expect the FREEZINE of Fantasy and Science Fiction to return at virtually any moment with a new story by
Where The Market's Hottest
to be followed by
JUPITER RING by Misha Nogha
THE MEMORY SECTOR by Brian "Flesheater" Stoneking
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