(Luminous buttes as seen through a photo multiplication tube lens) photo by the editor (shaun lawton).
Welcome to the Freezine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, as we begin the second decade of our transcription across the worldwide interconnected computer networks linked by a wide array of electronic, wireless, and optical synchronizing technologies. As those faithful readers who've paid enough attention to this blog masquerading as a webzine already know, I was compelled to begin putting this online fanzine out in the summer of 2009. According to our meta-periodical's legend, the true 'editors' of this digital broadside are a 'fleet of supremely adaptable nanobots flowing through my bloodstream.'
During that innocuous summer I became possessed by the idea that a microfleet of nano-computers had somehow entered into the synapses of my brain. One of their earliest missives was to inform me that they had assimilated the info they needed for a correlative attempt at publishing this daily. Apparently, they gathered information from masses of demographics both here and abroad to determine the optimal format to broadcast this digest. That they resolved for it to be delivered in a blog format still puzzles many subscribers, myself included. Yet I've never questioned their rationalization—much less their motives—for having spurred me on toward putting out this semi-monthly electronic literary booklet. Every time they messaged me (from inside my own consciousness) it was in order to prompt me to put out the next issue of the Freezine. After several issues they made it clear that their dispatches were being beamed in to my head from the future.
In order to catch up with all the memorandums sent to me by the microhorde (or nanoswarm as I sometimes refer to them) devotees of the Freezine would be advised to catch up on my editorial comments at the end of every issue, which ordinarily occur on the final day of the month after the daily posts have run their course (refer to the Blog Archive located in the upper right margin of this website). When the Freezine is operating at optimal efficiency, it publishes daily episodes of a serialized novella between Mondays and Thursdays, and stand-alone short stories typically on Fridays. Otherwise, it may post anything at any time, without reason or rhyme. The BloodHost (as it has also been called)—that cybernetic flotilla that's invaded my cerebrum—began lessening the frequency of its demands after the first dozen or so issues of our subliterary cyber-rag went up. I still don't know if that was due to some sort of magnetically conducted plasma interference during their attempted transmissions, or what. Luckily for us, last year their communications became more prevalent, allowing this free virtual online creative writing workshop to recommence.
The most recent nano-missives I've received seem to have originated from a lone outpost near Jupiter—emanating from a surviving team of human beings stranded on Ceres (as far as I can figure)—from sometime in the future. I've deduced they must be stranded in a colony established on that minor planet, located at the outer periphery of the asteroid belt. By encoding everything onto nano-circuits somehow embedded on neutrinos that were beamed into the heart of Sagittarius A*, they managed to send this fleet of microchips back in time to the year 2009 where it was absorbed by a hospital patient transporter on duty in the process of bringing an aging war veteran in for a nuclear medicine stress test (I have expressed this part of my narrative from a third person point of view in order to gain much needed objectivity). The C-arm parked out in the hallway of the radiology department was on and humming strangely as the transporter passed by returning the wheelchair, when a blue arc of laser light flared in his peripheral vision, causing momentary blindness. He stopped pushing the wheelchair for several seconds, blinking in an effort to recover his eyesight. His vision slowly swam back into focus after a few moments.
In order to catch up with all the memorandums sent to me by the microhorde (or nanoswarm as I sometimes refer to them) devotees of the Freezine would be advised to catch up on my editorial comments at the end of every issue, which ordinarily occur on the final day of the month after the daily posts have run their course (refer to the Blog Archive located in the upper right margin of this website). When the Freezine is operating at optimal efficiency, it publishes daily episodes of a serialized novella between Mondays and Thursdays, and stand-alone short stories typically on Fridays. Otherwise, it may post anything at any time, without reason or rhyme. The BloodHost (as it has also been called)—that cybernetic flotilla that's invaded my cerebrum—began lessening the frequency of its demands after the first dozen or so issues of our subliterary cyber-rag went up. I still don't know if that was due to some sort of magnetically conducted plasma interference during their attempted transmissions, or what. Luckily for us, last year their communications became more prevalent, allowing this free virtual online creative writing workshop to recommence.
The most recent nano-missives I've received seem to have originated from a lone outpost near Jupiter—emanating from a surviving team of human beings stranded on Ceres (as far as I can figure)—from sometime in the future. I've deduced they must be stranded in a colony established on that minor planet, located at the outer periphery of the asteroid belt. By encoding everything onto nano-circuits somehow embedded on neutrinos that were beamed into the heart of Sagittarius A*, they managed to send this fleet of microchips back in time to the year 2009 where it was absorbed by a hospital patient transporter on duty in the process of bringing an aging war veteran in for a nuclear medicine stress test (I have expressed this part of my narrative from a third person point of view in order to gain much needed objectivity). The C-arm parked out in the hallway of the radiology department was on and humming strangely as the transporter passed by returning the wheelchair, when a blue arc of laser light flared in his peripheral vision, causing momentary blindness. He stopped pushing the wheelchair for several seconds, blinking in an effort to recover his eyesight. His vision slowly swam back into focus after a few moments.
That patient transporter, Paul Aman, lived in a mid-western city somewhere in continental North America. It was about ten years ago when he first had the idea to start up a free publication of illustrated short stories and serialized novellas on the world wide web. A fan of science fiction since he was a child, little did he realize that his effort at establishing a fanzine online was incited by an imperative sent back in time to possess him into doing something for the love of the endeavor rather than to try making money from it. As the nano-horde encoded his neural network with sub-programmed commands apparently (from what turns out to later become a shed alternate ghost world) sent in a final desperate attempt to stabilize planet Earth's timeline in order to develop a more cohesive and sustainable post-cybernetic environment. It took Paul several years, as the receptor and carrier of this electromagnetic wave of information, to begin realizing the true shape of events this channeled interception from the future had spurred him on to engender.
Yes, Paul Aman is just my alias. As editor in chief at the Freezine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, I've come to realize, from a sharply honed intuition, that he/I wasn't the only human subject acting as a conducive instrument relaying commands sent tacitly our way from the stranded base of last surviving humans on Ceres. There are likely thousands of us and potentially millions; for all I know, the entire human race has received this electromagnetically delegated assortment of directives by now—each with its own respective set of mandates. I've been thinking lately about how neutrinos leave streaks of light when they pass through the purest water. As they penetrate our planet's oceans, they must barely leave a discernible ambient flash, too brief and faint to be registered by a person's eyes. Cephalopods and various insects have been known for their ability to detect polarized light. But I digress. It has led to an even stranger thought.
The neutrino itself may have already been revealed to remain the entirety of all universes compressed into a singularity which manages to be mirrored by a duplication process not unlike cloning from a branched off membrane which is assimilated into the growing milieu of the morphological universe—itself the opposed counterbalance of the singularity altogether familiar to our own yet somehow incomprehensibly different. One way of thinking of what I mean is to visualize countless rain drops in a mind-exercise representing every neutrino as actual reflections of the one singular neutrino in existence and that exact solid object appears to be our universe alongside this planet with its life and current species of humanity yet surviving upon it as we apparently continue to plunge in motion through a process involving the spacetime continuum. Of course this neutrino remains the only thing faster than light—as it projects through a million different facets stitching us into existence.
There's grounds to suggest this singularity keeps repeating its programming in a never ending loop of such gradually decaying simulation that the differentials spawned grow not into yet more shed ghosts of future developments—but rather constantly shape and mold the singular only possible existence here frozen in static eternity—possessed by the illusion of constant movement to the point that even in our resting state of deep sleep every night, occurring with metronomic persistence, we are unable to really wake up from our conditioning to realize this motion conducts us into dreaming.
The reason for this appears to be the evidence we're machines powered by electromagnetic forces beyond our comprehension which nonetheless animate our complete existence with absolute authority right on down to the intricately worked out details of a relatively predetermined future existence destined to remain everlasting despite our inability to understand any single part (much less the whole) of which it's comprised. The fractal holography paradox appears to never blink because we operate on differentiating frequencies while we stare into the same universal mirror.
Which leads us to the present annular location of our progressive planet in the spacetime continuum. As we phase into 2020—the Year of Perfect Vision—the Freezine of Fantasy and Science Fiction continues its undying devotion toward showcasing the written expressions of different individual's uncensored accounts. This creative writing endeavor comes equipped to consider each contributor's unique perspective. The least we (the editors of this electronic tabloid) can do is allow each writer to retain their own voice. The Freezine stands vigilant at the fringes of what is considered to be free speech, facing outward to protect its writers from forces that might otherwise render them silent. The comments section have been opened for all to utilize, using their online ID, or anonymously, whatever the case may be.
Please feel free to email me at — freezinefantasysciencefiction@gmail.com — with a query letter or just drop all pretenses of formality and ask me any questions you have about this online zine, straight up. I'll be happy to read your story and let you know if its a fit for our webzine. My inbox has already received some interesting submissions, so you might want to throw caution to the wind and send me an email, because as soon as I get enough stories together to constitute a well-rounded issue, I'll be publishing the next edition of our community digest for all to read and marvel over and share across their respective social utility networks, such as Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, Pinterest, or by email, if you prefer.
If you're a long time enthusiast of this integral site or a brand newcomer, welcome and thank you for taking interest in one of our favorite pastimes: reading entertaining stories and admiring sensational artwork that beckons you from the nether realms. Stay tuned to this channel. We have a slew of surprises waiting for you to stumble upon, coming soon. Share this post today with a friend, and be sure to subscribe by email or on blogger to receive all future dispatches from the Freezine of Fantasy and Science Fiction. ☩
Which leads us to the present annular location of our progressive planet in the spacetime continuum. As we phase into 2020—the Year of Perfect Vision—the Freezine of Fantasy and Science Fiction continues its undying devotion toward showcasing the written expressions of different individual's uncensored accounts. This creative writing endeavor comes equipped to consider each contributor's unique perspective. The least we (the editors of this electronic tabloid) can do is allow each writer to retain their own voice. The Freezine stands vigilant at the fringes of what is considered to be free speech, facing outward to protect its writers from forces that might otherwise render them silent. The comments section have been opened for all to utilize, using their online ID, or anonymously, whatever the case may be.
Please feel free to email me at — freezinefantasysciencefiction@gmail.com — with a query letter or just drop all pretenses of formality and ask me any questions you have about this online zine, straight up. I'll be happy to read your story and let you know if its a fit for our webzine. My inbox has already received some interesting submissions, so you might want to throw caution to the wind and send me an email, because as soon as I get enough stories together to constitute a well-rounded issue, I'll be publishing the next edition of our community digest for all to read and marvel over and share across their respective social utility networks, such as Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, Pinterest, or by email, if you prefer.
If you're a long time enthusiast of this integral site or a brand newcomer, welcome and thank you for taking interest in one of our favorite pastimes: reading entertaining stories and admiring sensational artwork that beckons you from the nether realms. Stay tuned to this channel. We have a slew of surprises waiting for you to stumble upon, coming soon. Share this post today with a friend, and be sure to subscribe by email or on blogger to receive all future dispatches from the Freezine of Fantasy and Science Fiction. ☩