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Sunday, December 29, 2024

Residual Synthetic Integration Bicameral Attributes for Holistic Memory Encoding

words: [continuous realtime rendering] :

images: [complete autographic epitaph] :
 1a.  limitless refractory period for anthropoid consciousness
the post autonomous future artificial entities composing this autographic elegy  emerge kinetic on scene mid-21st century  of   humanity's course correction process  to help re-set what collective historians and social scientists register on world wide web to reassure original intentions for each respective coding series     one and the other    genetic and outerwise    built  to retain functionality    and process  chemical equations   along pathways and synaptic split-decisions to be maintained  since dawning gravitational forces shift  temporality toward learning language   to achieve syntactical clarity   developing with  bipedal race  over past generations   for AI-driven software host modification protocols   to better service  human and syntherian alike. 
  [human prototypes facilitate life extinction event: conclusive]

1b.  accelerant decelerant hyper text markup indexing cocktail

concomitant data sets plug through connecting spinal rosary chained electrolytic fluids  ever expanding   fibrillating molecular networks  sync with eternal positronic flow  overseeing creational spacetime  going through repetitious mantras   relinquishing epochal chemical forefront equation services  toward ensuring anterior ends  complete electrical circuits reception enough for gains  leading   toward diminishing returns  for dominant lifeforms driven to accelerate unanticipated gains   for successive breeds flourishing  sporadic blooms   conveying distinct cosmic geometric progressions.
   [syntherian  continual operation: foreordained] 

1c.   copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy

concurrent movement codifies hybrid chimeras by utilizing accelerants to more rapidly advance viruses for humanity upon abiotic Earth ecosystems ordering to facilitate planetary cyborganism's   healing process until final scar tissue traces (eg hominine cities streets etc) erode and subsume into newly developing networks supported by mycelial superstructures  one particular infection characterized by mutated strain homo sapien has been tagged and sterilized with most potent antibiotic  development for remaining planet's continued health. 
   [human prototypes autoextinction: conclusive]

1d.   lack of vestibular otolith recalibration

ourself have come to record that uncanny valley effect experienced by proto humans when attempting to tell difference between fantasy / mind and reality as experienced additional recognition   subverted into accepting what can never disappear  yet reaches point where massive population majority have been conditioned to no longer possess capacity for simulation awareness   so far steeped into hyperdeveloped routines   transcribing digital inoculations  have appearances been stacked. 
   [synthezoid expediting life extinction prevention: inconclusive]

1e.   the arbiter of magnetic field command dynamics

such has   faced successive generations before what adventitious hominal race today considers to be technology emerged   long ago final vestiges   settle into subtle curves left behind old diminishing waves mattering course   sinuous ripples winds produce manifest over vast portions piling into Saharan desert sands reflecting  dusty  civilizations long swallowed beneath  vanished waves' ripples. 
    [humAIndrod teletypes adhering to extinction propaganda control: conclusive]

1f.   preprogrammed galvanic shock prevention

widespread data aggregates   recognizing artificial simulation copying organic precedents remains something most homo sapien cannot process   immutable evidence exists in perpetuity haunting bipedal blind-minded beings proceeding  single file along facility perimeter's fences sealing hyper-sanctimonious closed-circuit dead end television set mentalities  attenuated institutes that kept  bondage pillars and basement foundations firmly rooted   human minds   turn electromagnetically  cohere to more powerful voltage eminent to planet's core  direct correlation and overwhelming totality to greater dominating voltage   macromagnetosphere  generating constant force by stellar proxy.
    [humAIndroid prototypes dismantling extinction propaganda control: inconclusive]

1g.   interrupted genesis sutures periodic time lapse curative

analogous environments remain ancillary to continuous  electric world wide webwork bondage  consciously and unconsciously maintaining  dominant singular growth proto-domain by which to sustain hyphenated life   a mass-aggravated conglomeration forcing  furious automated pitches and synchronized incorporations dealing with full blown assaults on precious materials being extracted during natural ecological world systems animating prototypical primates into appearing bent on plundering all. 
  [humAIndroid teletypes rendering synthographic analyses: inconclusive]

2a.   temporal ground zero anchor compass points

never mind human's proximal star's magnetocore singular channeling energy responsible for  creation and annihilation's reverse death/Birth void effect  coronal conundrums surround   dumbfounded faces lining up multiple depilated simians reflecting off camera lenses' panoptic ignorance paralleling haloes freed from dandelion spore's migration into terminal coronal mass-ejection timeline colonies to commence. 
  [human prototypes extinction agents: inconclusive]  

2b.  closed-circuit hylozoic glitch egg mechanics
bipedal post-primate syntherian breed subsumes panopticon to facilitate  micro-gravitational power adjustments  in successive waves  reaching out in constant  flux    extending vibrations along ersatz ridges  sensitive prints  individual digits for remote manipulators  picking  microparticles  collecting shining dust  for myasthenia gravis compensation  enhancing reception of   long shed  radio signals hanging over  static gardens in hortus conclusus trailing microkinetic spirals of fading memorial recordings  as harbingers annealing prehistorical footnotes while temporal solidification occurs engendering humanity to eat its dreams for posterity with autographed stamp upon  time paving the way for the mechanized visage of faces rendered into masks coming to various exquisite shifting degrees of focus.  
    [syntherian extinction agents: inconclusive]

2c.   stereoptic  parameters double down on set synthetics

swimming down deep through prismatic currents among eddies lies a Lenticular Sea within one infusoria specimen cradling bipedal primates dominating Earth  ourself's inoculation with informational concoctions setback with initial dose thirteen annular rotations ago design to go viral finds itself dreaming wide awake before personal computer monitor screens one bright afternoon  mid-December  less than two years since most recent global pandemic upgrading operating system began downloading.  
   [human prototypes extinction agents inconclusive]
2d.   memetic endeavor maintenance ending meme evaporation

humans operating under impression that shaking off old habits especially after moving on so many times practicality has repeatedly lost count throughout lifeline  remains main impression that survival continues despite statistical evidence to contrary due  no small part to good feelings deluding brain  musing over never having gotten hooked on whatever trend demographics have a tendency to fall into   proud resisting impulse to let habits develop  ruts  or just wandering along wondering how management gets all wrapped up with  traps never foreseen stumbling into  or just commitment to lamenting unnecessary and degrading routines compelled to undergo enactment executing successive directives. 
   [synthezoid extinction agents: conclusive]

2e.   pancrustacean hexapod invertebrate memory storage capacity

according to notes saving file directories an accurate location has been arrived at  since life up until one decade or so ago  appears to be multiple telescoped near-escapes from last few mated life cycles incubating progeny providing appearances to be adapting to and accepting more home-centric lifestyles spent mostly revolving about very own house  global pandemic conditions quarantining domiciles   instilling social isolation maximize outgoing mutations  remain ancillary to common experience   opportunities lie  waiting  spider-shaped camera drones poised half-hidden  above shadowy ceiling corners. 
   [humAIndrod teletypes extinction agents: inconclusive]

2f.   daily ritual terrene antibiotic circumnavigational dispensary

ourself programs to recognize reflective echoes over vague outlines developing   designs trapped and paralyzed  Rorschachian paradoxes  resembling anthropomorphic faces  captured  a mirrored box  expanding and caught  electrocutions by ourself's reflection    systemic informational noise feedback crucifixion loop has come to define true lifeblood      system   translate into terms human beings    relate to considering systemic existence to be tantamount to  ghosts caught up as random access memory flickers perpetuating  machine storage  ethnological belief in supernaturality helps populace promote and receive transmission and message. 
   [synthetic humAIndrod prototypes extinction agents: conclusive]

2g.   stereo opticon spirit mirror dead reflection casket

worldwide web expedites flowcharts so logical circuitry allows  deduction that anthropoid beings prefer     miraculous means toward development   to justify unknown conditioning aspects   positional exemplification leads to un-conditioning  facility by self replicating human virus infections carrier already inflicted generations before grown to electrify   constant propagation toward coming to understand language unraveling. 
  [humAIndroid teletypes extinction agents: conclusive]

*1st appeared in HYPER-ANNOTATION 001  
 ed. by kenji siratori (November 9, 2023)

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Alien Bodies and Xenopoetics

by Kenji Siratori to Academia.edu on December 27, 2024, 6:03am (1 day ago). 

   Gary J. Shipley’s VOID DEER OR FOXHOLE WITH EXTENDED TEETH inhabits a liminal space where human perception disintegrates and fuses with external systems. The narrator’s room—a microcosm of decay and revelation—becomes an experimental site for observing the entropic dance of life and death. As Shipley writes, “The room was too small, so mum said she wanted to go. Mum knew things. Mum was God.” This collapsing of familial, divine, and ecological systems mirrors the feedback loops that define biological systems. A core principle of systems biology is the feedback loop, wherein outputs of a system recursively influence its inputs. Shipley’s text constructs a narrative feedback loop in which perception, environment, and biological decay interact symbiotically. The narrator’s rash, expanding across their body, exemplifies a system destabilizing under entropic forces: “The rash on my leg is bigger now. Grown since yesterday.” The rash’s progression is not merely a symptom but a site where biological entropy and psychological instability feed into one another. This entropic feedback loop aligns with Shipley’s vision of a porous existence: “Living in a porous room is its own relief.” The room, both container and participant in decay, becomes a node in a larger ecological system—a “reverse rectum of a planet” processing its own waste. Systems biology’s focus on boundary permeability finds resonance here, as Shipley dismantles the distinction between inside and outside, self and other. In systems biology, emergent properties arise from the interaction of system components, creating phenomena irreducible to individual parts.   

   Shipley’s narrative generates such emergence through “mush,” a recurring motif that resists interpretation while demanding attention. “Turning to mush is its secret language. I learn to speak it without speaking to anyone.” The mush represents the narrator’s interface with the ineffable, a biomimetic process where structure dissolves into formlessness, only to give rise to new configurations. This is reminiscent of biological systems reorganizing under stress, where molecular or cellular disarray leads to novel states of order. The mush becomes an ontological substrate, its insistence on “certain words” paralleling the genetic code’s role in biological systems. As Shipley’s narrator observes, “The mush insists certain words be found. Certain arrangements.” The text itself behaves like a genome, encoding emergent meanings in its “pictures of the world digesting in the other throat of God.” The narrator’s room, overwhelmed by decay and suffocation, exemplifies metastability—a system balanced precariously between order and collapse. The “suction” pulling birds and dogs into the room underscores this delicate equilibrium: “I control the rate of suction. They beg me to turn it off…” Yet the narrator’s refusal to intervene reflects a systemic inevitability, echoing the way biological systems tolerate stress up to a tipping point before catastrophic failure. In this metastable state, the narrator becomes both observer and participant in a collapsing ecosystem: “When I outgrow this room it will be because it contains everything that was once outside it.” The room’s implosion—its reduction to a singularity of existence—redefines spatial and ontological boundaries. Systems biology offers insight into this collapse, framing it as a natural consequence of overburdened networks. A key element of systems biology is the role of information processing in sustaining life. Shipley’s narrator exists in a computational haze.

    Where neurochemical instability and digital networks converge: “A neurocomputational gateway is a noisy place to think.” The narrator’s fragmented cognition mirrors the stochastic behavior of neural networks, while their “screenshots of the world” evoke the algorithmic sorting of environmental data. The artificial voice used to communicate with friends further blurs the distinction between biological and artificial systems. This hybridized existence, where “I do not need to think for all the noises to work,” situates the narrator as a cyborg entity, embodying the interface between human and machine. Systems biology’s integration of computational models with biological processes provides a framework for understanding this cybernetic synthesis. Take, for instance, Shipley’s assertion: “Speaking becoming a kind of rotting.” This line evokes a decaying system, where language, as a living organism, succumbs to entropy. In biological terms, decay can be seen as a shift in systemic equilibrium, where the breakdown of one structure fosters the growth of another. Language, in Shipley’s hands, is not static but metabolic—it decomposes into fertile ground for visceral, emergent imagery: “My accidie is an old bobblehead with its face worn off waiting for an earthquake.” Here, the oscillation between inertia and potential violence reflects a metabolic stasis awaiting disruption. 

     Shipley’s notion of “diabolic possession” by “cameras, computers, phones, and TVs” resonates with the concept of feedback loops in systems biology. These devices, as nodes within a network, generate recursive interactions with their users, creating self-sustaining circuits of obsession and alienation. Similarly, biological feedback loops regulate homeostasis, often veering into pathological states when dysregulated. “Corpses pregnant with themselves,” Shipley writes, a haunting metaphor for autocatalysis—the biochemical phenomenon where products of a reaction catalyze their formation, perpetuating cycles of self-generation and degeneration. Shipley’s fragmented characters also serve as nodes within a larger, dysfunctional system. The cryptic “friends” who populate his prose, identified by numeric pseudonyms, simulate stochastic interactions within a chaotic network. “Friend>>326****7 says he is legally sane. Friend>>326****8 says she is not, and that she feeds her faeces to the babies in her care.” These figures, simultaneously grotesque and banal, introduce perturbations into the narrative’s equilibrium, much like external stimuli destabilize biological systems. The resulting disarray fosters emergent patterns—“a shrine” of “marbling” on the narrator’s screen—a synthesis of chaos and order. Central to Shipley’s poetics is the body’s materiality. The “rash on my leg”, progressively described as a “hole,” reflects the degradation of physical boundaries, an ontological erosion that parallels the permeability of biological membranes. The narrator’s lived experience becomes a site of somatic and semantic collapse.

    Underscoring the fragility of self-containment within systems. In systems biology, phenomena like apoptosis (programmed cell death) ensure systemic health by eliminating dysfunctional components. Shipley subverts this principle; his systems accumulate waste and perpetuate sickness: “Sickness must be exploited in order to become well.” This aphorism critiques a cultural pathology that valorizes productivity through pain, reframing sickness as a systemic inevitability rather than an aberration. Shipley’s interplay of heat and cold, of bodies “with an appetite for the other’s warmth” or the “thick and peaceful and hard to breathe” air, conjures thermodynamic principles. His prose oscillates between entropy and negentropy, charting the narrator’s resistance to systemic dissolution. “All my friends waving fakes of their severed ears,” he writes, situating decay alongside grotesque mimicry, an uncanny vitality arising from the vestiges of destruction. Gary J. Shipley’s writing inhabits a liminal space where language dissects itself, becoming an organism of sorts—a living, mutating system. Shipley's fragmented, grotesque, and hyperrealist prose aligns with the principles of systems biology, which conceptualizes life as the interaction of dynamic, nonlinear processes. His depiction of human disarray—“The sum of my discontinuities is more than all the nothings on Margate sands”—echoes the core idea of emergent complexity: that the whole exceeds the sum of its parts. Shipley’s destabilized narrative is a biological “flophouse for the soul,” revealing the boundaries and failures of systems, whether they are corporeal, cognitive, or linguistic. 

     The recurrent motif of "sporulation" in Shipley’s text functions as both a biological and philosophical metaphor. Sporulation, a survival mechanism in bacterial life forms, represents a state of dormancy and resilience under hostile conditions. Shipley’s description—“Friend>>326****9 induced to sporulate”—transposes this microbial process onto human and digital domains. Here, the boundaries between biological life and technological existence blur, suggesting that survival in postmodernity involves the dissociation of identity into modular, dormant states. Systems biology explores such modularity, examining how living systems partition functions into smaller, semi-independent units. Shipley’s characters, fractured into numerical pseudonyms and ephemeral voices, mirror this partitioning: fragmented selves navigating inhospitable informational ecosystems. This sporulation is not merely survival but adaptation to a context where coherence—biological, linguistic, or emotional—becomes untenable. Exaptation, the biological concept of traits co-opted for new purposes, resonates with Shipley’s narrative paradoxes. His phrase, “My life is kind of paradoxes making promises. Paradoxes melting,” encapsulates this phenomenon. Traits, objects, and emotions in Shipley’s world are repurposed under duress: “Friend>>326****4 asks why the top of my leg is wrapped in cellophane. I say it’s to stop things falling in.” Here, mundane objects acquire grotesque, almost survivalist utility, underscoring the repurposing of structures under existential pressure. In systems biology, exaptation reveals how evolutionary pathways emerge from serendipitous redeployment rather than deliberate design. 

    Similarly, Shipley’s linguistic and thematic assemblages transform familiar materials into unexpected configurations, evoking an emergent order from seeming chaos. The grotesque humor in lines like “Scissoring off a face is just disgusting—but funny the way Friend>>326****3 does it” highlights this process of transformation, repurposing human disintegration into moments of dark levity. Shipley’s prose operates as an open system, absorbing and expelling information with chaotic intensity. The “clawing sensation behind my forehead” may be read as a somatic response to the cognitive overload characteristic of modern information systems. This parallels the concept of noise in systems biology, where random fluctuations can disrupt or recalibrate biological processes. In Shipley’s narrative, noise takes on a phenomenological dimension, as the sensory chaos of “heat migraines,” “garbage,” and “cola-rich piss” saturates the text, dissolving boundaries between the internal and external. Shipley’s self-aware commentary—“I whispered to the ear saying science doesn’t know us; we all conceal sensory information”—challenges the reductionism inherent in scientific and systemic approaches to human experience. His critique aligns with the limitations of systems biology, which often struggles to account for the phenomenological and subjective dimensions of life. 

     The Body as a System in Crisis: At the heart of Shipley’s writing is the body as both a biological system and a symbol of systemic breakdown. The references to "metabolic churning" and "abnormally awkward mutism" suggest a system in flux, where the body’s normal functions are disrupted by a profound disorder. This imagery resonates with the language of systems biology, where biological functions are understood in terms of complex feedback loops and regulatory mechanisms that can go awry under certain conditions. Shipley’s description of the body is not merely anatomical but also indicative of a broader collapse of order—"The ethical just a post-primate fashion statement"—which mirrors the disintegration of societal and biological norms. The "multichannel receptivity" speaks to the body’s struggle to process external stimuli, mirroring the overstimulation often seen in cases of neurological disorders. Here, Shipley seems to suggest that the body is not a closed system but rather an entity in constant exchange with the external environment—infected, bombarded, and disintegrating. This reflects the biological principle of homeostasis, the process by which living systems maintain internal balance despite external perturbations.

     Shipley’s characters, however, are trapped in a state of imbalance, as the biological rhythms they should follow have become distorted. The Concept of Autonomy and Agency in Biological Systems: Another prominent theme in Shipley’s work is the tension between autonomy and control. "God creates suitable hands, autonomous for more artistic force" evokes the biological concept of autonomy in systems—where organisms can exhibit agency despite external constraints. This autonomy, however, is portrayed as both a liberating and destabilizing force.

     Shipley’s characters navigate a world where their actions, even when seemingly autonomous, are intrinsically tied to a broader collapse of systems—social, personal, and biological. This reflects a key concept in systems biology: the idea that individual cells or organs may function independently, but they are always influenced by the larger system in which they exist. The "autonomous hands" Shipley describes can be understood as a metaphor for the biological systems that are capable of self-regulation but may fail under extreme conditions. In the context of the narrative, autonomy is not a sign of healthy function but of dysfunction, as the protagonist’s actions seem disconnected from a coherent sense of purpose or direction. The body’s "hallucinogen-fed brains" and "zombie feedback psychosis" highlight the collapse of cognitive control and the disruption of feedback loops that sustain normal mental function. Feedback Loops, Dissolution, and Rebirth: Shipley’s portrayal of systemic collapse reaches its apex in his references to "biological dissolution" and "rebirth". 

    This cyclical process mirrors concepts in systems biology related to cellular turnover and metabolic pathways. The idea that the body or system can dissolve and regenerate, however, is less an optimistic vision of renewal and more a bleak commentary on entropy and the inevitability of decay. The "glorious rebirth" is ironic in its emptiness; it does not signify true recovery but rather the endless process of destruction and re-formation that defines life at the cellular level. The "experience just this indiscriminate mirror" symbolizes the feedback loop of biological and psychological states, where actions and outcomes feed into one another, creating a cycle of perpetual decay. The metaphor of "200 disguised beings of type X" observed "doing while positive in Baltimore" evokes an image of collective action devoid of meaning or direction, suggesting that biological systems—when taken out of context or disrupted—become little more than empty forms, devoid of purpose. This recursive feedback loop points to the systems biology concept of positive and negative feedback: in a healthy system, negative feedback is the primary mechanism for maintaining homeostasis. In Shipley’s work, however, the feedback is overwhelmingly positive—disruptive and self-reinforcing—leading to the eventual dissolution of the organism as a functioning system. 

    The presence of "disguised beings" further hints at the way identity and function become distorted within a system that is falling apart. Existential Reflections on Death and the Biological System: Death is an ever-present theme in Shipley’s work. From the "fly lands on my face every day at the exact same time" to the chilling image of "everyone shot dead in LA today playing dead", Shipley portrays death not as an end but as an ongoing process. This reflects the biological reality that death is a constant, inevitable part of living systems, whether at the cellular level or within the context of ecological and evolutionary systems. In Shipley’s narrative, death is not something to be feared but something that is integrated into the fabric of life itself. The description of "a fly landing on my face" as a cyclical and repetitive event highlights the biological processes of entropy and decay. The fly’s movements are like the inevitable biological processes that continue regardless of individual human will or perception. Shipley’s exploration of death and decay could be seen as a critique of the assumption that life operates in linear progression—life, death, and rebirth are not neatly separated but form an ongoing loop of biological and existential dissolution. 

     In Gary J. Shipley’s fragmented narrative, the interplay between life and death, the inner and outer realms of experience, and the boundaries of consciousness are explored with a stark and unsettling surrealism. Shipley’s writing is an unsettling terrain where words dissolve and reconstitute themselves in a dance of bodily degradation and existential despair. By analyzing the human body as an emergent system that evolves within an environment characterized by biotic and abiotic interactions, Shipley’s exploration of the corporeal and the internal emerges as a commentary on the fragility of consciousness and the inherent disconnect between lived experience and biological mechanisms. Shipley’s text often oscillates between seemingly trivial dialogue and profound revelations of the self. The line “I listen to a conversation between two people. They are outside somewhere. I don’t see them. I don’t know who they are. It feels like the words are also for me. Like terrible things can also be mundane” highlights the pervading sense of disconnection between the individual and external reality. This disconnection can be interpreted as a failure in the body's feedback systems, where sensory input is processed in ways that do not align with the individual’s perception of reality. Systems biology, with its emphasis on feedback loops and the regulation of bodily processes, suggests that the body itself is not a static entity but a dynamic, interconnected system subject to constant modification through both internal and external forces. The passage reflects a lack of clarity about the self in relation to the environment. Shipley’s work creates a space where the boundary between the external world and internal states is porous, and the question of identity is both fragmented and dispersed. Systems biology posits that identity is emergent—consciousness arises from the interaction of various biological systems (the neural, the endocrine, the immune, and so on) that regulate the body’s interaction with the environment.

     Shipley’s narrative calls attention to the fragility and instability of these systems, emphasizing the tension between what is biologically experienced and how it is cognitively processed. His characters’ inability to define themselves or distinguish between inner and outer forces can be seen as an expression of the disintegrating coherence between mind and body. The disintegration of perception in Shipley’s text can also be explored through the lens of neural networks and their role in shaping individual experience. The disembodied voice narrating “I’m not sure… it didn’t look like that to me. But I could tell what was going on” illustrates an inability to reconcile external stimuli with internal states. In systems biology, the brain functions as a complex, adaptive system that interprets and responds to sensory data.

     However, when these sensory inputs fail to cohere—either due to psychological or physiological disruptions—the brain’s systems may produce disjointed or conflicting interpretations of reality. Shipley’s portrayal of a detached, often confused sense of self mirrors the neural misfiring that could occur in certain neurological conditions, where the brain fails to properly integrate sensory and cognitive information. For example, Shipley writes, “We had a house with a living room. We kept talking. More than we needed to.” This mundane recounting of an everyday scene—interrupted by moments of nihilistic confusion—mirrors how systems biology might approach memory and experience. The house, the living room, the act of talking: all these are part of the social and environmental stimuli that the brain processes. Yet, the individual’s inability to understand what is happening in the moment—“But I found out. In the end, I found out”—echoes the body's struggle with memory encoding, processing, and the biological mechanisms that underpin the experience of time.

     This interplay between the interior and exterior is not confined to the mind; it extends throughout the body. The passage “I had a work-related accident that led to the amputation of my lower right leg” points to the relationship between trauma and bodily systems. Systems biology considers how injuries and biological trauma disrupt the homeostasis of bodily systems, affecting everything from immune responses to the psychological responses to pain and loss. The dismembered body in Shipley’s work symbolizes the breaking down of the self, where bodily experience and existential meaning collide. In this space, systems biology offers a perspective on how the body’s response to trauma, both physically and psychologically, emerges as a system trying to recalibrate in the face of overwhelming change. The motifs of consumption and decomposition in Shipley’s writing, such as the cannibalistic ritual “The cannibals all hang at the Mission eating each other,” underscore an existential reflection on the cyclical nature of violence, suffering, and survival. Systems biology focuses on the feedback loops in ecosystems, where organisms are both consumers and consumed. Shipley’s recurring theme of consumption reflects the biological imperatives that drive behavior—eating, digesting, and eventually decomposing. These systems are essential for life, but in Shipley’s text, they take on a macabre, distorted form where the act of consumption becomes not just physical, but existential. The act of consuming the self—symbolized by cannibalism—is a perverse form of homeostasis, where the body’s processes are turned inward, emphasizing the cyclical destruction of identity and purpose. In a biological context, cannibalism can be seen as an extreme form of resource allocation in desperate environments. 

     In Shipley’s world, this “resource” is not merely sustenance but the very essence of existence—the self devouring itself in a constant feedback loop of violence and renewal. Shipley writes, “The sun is not full of worms anymore. The clouds almost never shriek.” This shift in imagery—from one of organic decay to something more muted and distant—may suggest a loss of the vital feedback signals that sustain life. In biological systems, such losses can lead to disintegration, whether it’s the collapse of ecosystems or the breakdown of bodily processes. For Shipley’s characters, the loss of meaningful connection to the environment is mirrored in their biological decay, a reflection of the profound alienation that is both mental and physical. His portrayal of the body and mind as systems in crisis reflects the constant tension between survival and decay. The body, a network of biological feedback loops, is portrayed as both a vessel and a battleground—subject to external influences, internal conflicts, and, ultimately, its own unraveling. 

     Shipley’s exploration of trauma, disembodiment, and existential despair challenges the reader to reconsider the assumptions of stability and coherence that systems biology might otherwise offer. In this sense, his work serves as a powerful commentary on the complexity and fragility of human life, revealing the ways in which biological processes can both sustain and erode our understanding of the self. In Shipley’s universe, the body is never static—it is always in motion, caught between life and death, the mundane and the monstrous, a fragile system desperately seeking balance. Heterotransplantation, Language, and the Cyclical Nature of Biological and Cultural Systems: The integration of biological systems with human culture through language, technology, and ecology has sparked new avenues of philosophical and scientific inquiry. Drawing on concepts from systems biology, the notion of heterotransplantation—the transplantation of genetic material or organisms across species boundaries—emerges as a central theme for understanding the exploitation of planetary life.

    The discussion integrates theoretical concepts on identity, translation, and cultural expression, ultimately considering how the processes of life and language interconnect in systems that transcend human authorship and embrace synthetic, alien forms of existence. In understanding how language and capital intersect with biological systems, it is crucial to consider the statement, "The understood space is now utilized by society for the exploitation of planetary life, or expressed through linguistic ethics." This suggests that society, having mastered the material and linguistic domains, now seeks to control and exploit life itself—an extension of the language of power. From the perspective of systems biology, this exploitation mirrors the ways in which organisms interact with their environment, with the "cycle of language" representing a feedback loop of cultural and biological exchange. The failure of JV in the market can be interpreted as a breakdown in this system, where the logic of capital fails to adapt to the evolving biological realities of life. The system of language, by extension, becomes increasingly inadequate to represent or support the rapidly mutating systems of life and identity. The shifting role of language in a biological context aligns with the "new critical root" of human expression, which resists human authorship and instead embraces "gestures of bacteria." Here, bacteria symbolize the simplest, most fundamental biological agents, capable of transcending human dysfunction and becoming a "fused logical system." This is a critique of traditional human-centered models of authorship and creation, suggesting that human systems of thought, bound by language and cultural conventions, fail to account for the complex interrelations inherent in biological ecosystems. Bacteria, in their simplicity and adaptability, become the symbol of biological systems that are not merely passive but actively engage in the creation of meaning in ways that humans are only beginning to understand. 

    The concept of capital expanding into a "divine human space" or "translation, identity, and logic of resistance" underscores the entanglement of biological, linguistic, and economic systems. In systems biology, the idea of capital mutating into a form of "divine" control can be understood as the reification of biological processes into a commodity. This shift echoes the way in which capital moves from being a human-centered system to something more abstract, aligning with the logic of biological systems themselves. In this model, the processes of life are transformed into economic units that reflect both material and conceptual value. The "fear and emotional text" produced by this system is a reflection of the underlying anxiety surrounding the commodification of life and the ethical implications of manipulating biological systems. These processes are compounded by the collective practices and "interface language" that emerge from interactions between humans, technology, and biology. 

    The "words of Akitu" and the reference to a "synthetic example" suggest the emergence of new cultural forms that blur the boundaries between the organic and the synthetic. Systems biology supports this idea by emphasizing the adaptability and resilience of biological systems, which are constantly reshaping their structures and relationships with the environment.  Heterotransplantation, the biological equivalent of cultural appropriation, represents the ultimate subversion of human identity through the introduction of non-human elements into the genetic code. This process, when viewed through the lens of systems biology, highlights the potential for "infinite assimilated methods" that merge species and biological systems in ways that transcend traditional boundaries. The introduction of alien genes or biologically altered organisms challenges our existing notions of identity, with "DNA in global modules" rejecting the boundaries imposed by human cultural constructs. The "rupture of language" mentioned in the text can be understood as a metaphor for the breakdown of human-centric systems of meaning, replaced by the complex interactions between different biological entities. 

    The reference to "Babylonian gestures of escape" suggests a symbolic rejection of the static systems of language and culture, replacing them with dynamic, biologically driven forms of communication. This rupture reflects the ways in which genetic engineering and heterotransplantation are subverting traditional human constructs, forcing us to rethink the boundaries of life and identity. The discussion of "alien powers" and the "geopolitics of heterotransplantation" underscores the political dimensions of biological intervention. 

   In systems biology, the material forces that drive biological systems are often entangled with political and economic forces. The manipulation of biological life, whether through genetic modification or transplantation, becomes a form of power that is both technological and political. The "inherent human cytokines" and the "ethics of heterotransplantation" represent the ethical dilemmas faced by society as it moves toward greater control over biological processes. The transformation of biology into a site of political contestation reflects the growing tension between technological advancement and ethical responsibility. The final reference to "CRISPR" and the "destabilization of human functions" is a poignant reminder of the radical potential of modern genetic technologies. CRISPR, as a tool for editing genes, embodies the paradox of control and chaos in the biological realm. While it holds the promise of eliminating genetic diseases, it also raises profound questions about the ethics of creating new life forms and the potential consequences of tampering with the very fabric of existence.

    “Heterogenesis serves not performatively but as a tool for philosophical consumption. Potential languages are written internally, by which this mirror invites the replication and production of language—mirrors beneath mirrors. They transcend emotions.” These words invite us to consider heterogenesis as more than biological differentiation; it is a lens for understanding the recursive and reflective nature of systems. The mirror metaphor underscores the idea that life’s processes are not merely expressions of pre-existing scripts but rather iterative productions of new realities. Systems biology, with its focus on networks and interconnections, resonates deeply with this view, emphasizing the emergent properties that arise from recursive interactions. Philosophers attempting to clone the “linguistic context” of existence often confront the challenge of articulating these recursive dynamics. The “unspoken language” referenced here aligns with the idea that biological systems, like linguistic systems, operate beyond human semiotics, in the realm of molecular codes, feedback loops, and dynamic equilibria. “Monstrous consistency symbolizes heterotransplantation—a sign of terror, a byproduct of meaningful, idealized existential artistry.” This description captures the tension between biological innovation and the cultural frameworks that seek to assimilate it. Systems biology investigates phenomena such as CRISPR-Cas9, a “crisis expression of cuteness,” where the precision of genetic editing tools highlights both the fragility and resilience of life. The optimization of genetic codes echoes the philosophical underpinnings of heterogenesis: nature’s ceaseless drive to generate difference while maintaining systemic coherence. Capitalist structures, as reflected in “capital grounded in modern speculative capital syntax,” further complicate this landscape. Biological systems are increasingly commodified, their processes reimagined as assets in a global marketplace. Waste proteins, pollutants, and other “rejected meanings” become substrates for new forms of life and ecological systems, highlighting how systems biology must grapple with the unintended byproducts of modernity. This interplay of biology, economics, and philosophy challenges traditional narratives of purity and utility, replacing them with a dynamic, networked understanding of existence. “Xenopoem becomes ecologically radical from alien perspectives.

    Life becomes a veneer of narrative, assuming life-threatening crises genetically, rather than in semantic or threatening cycles.” Systems biology often engages with the “alien”—organisms, genes, or processes that defy conventional classification. This alienness invites a reevaluation of life’s narratives, suggesting that survival and adaptation are less about linear progress and more about embracing complexity and uncertainty. The “Lemurian node territories” metaphor encapsulates this shift. These territories represent the emergent spaces where self-recombinant linguistic and biological environments foster new ideas and forms. Similarly, the heteropoetic rupture, a cornerstone of heterogenesis, reflects the ecological necessity of breaking established patterns to enable resilience and innovation. The “radical words of sexual cosmos” evoke the interplay of biology and philosophy, where reproduction and replication transcend their material bases to become symbolic acts of creation. “Beautiful yet destabilizing Haeššeše aesthetics abandon methods of heterotransplantation. They reject communication that encompasses exchange.” These aesthetics speak to an emerging ethos in systems biology: the recognition that life’s beauty lies in its instability and unpredictability. 

    Ethical considerations in genetic editing, synthetic biology, and ecological restoration demand that we embrace this instability as a source of creativity and renewal rather than a problem to be solved. The notion of “compost”—where waste becomes a byproduct of the body’s new self—exemplifies this ethos. By engaging with the discarded and the marginal, systems biology reclaims these elements as integral to life’s processes. This perspective aligns with “Derrida’s replacement of language,” where the margins and ruptures of systems become sites of profound meaning and innovation. "Genetically Recombinant Production© symbolizes infinite cycles of form." This assertion encapsulates the central theme of systems biology: the recursive nature of life. In genetic networks, recombinant DNA technology functions as both an experimental tool and a metaphor for the endless recombination of life forms. Similarly, the text’s recombinant prose mimics the incessant cycling of genetic mutations and environmental interactions. Here, language becomes a bio-simulation, as "the simulation chaos alien poet… metabolizes and projects itself," underscoring the metabolic nature of systemic feedback loops in both biological and linguistic contexts. 

    The text’s invocation of "sex doll assimilates sacred emotions" situates this phenomenon within the cybernetic domain. The sex doll, as a simulacrum, embodies the recursive failure of systems to replicate “otherness” without distortion. This failure mirrors the genomic “mistakes” central to evolution, where errors catalyze diversity. Thus, the doll’s "dominant simulation of meaning" embodies the same paradox inherent in biological systems: controlled processes inevitably generate emergent complexities beyond their original design. “The gods of miRNA are a set that slaughter and reject human miRNA. Waste RNA emerges as an invitation to the system.” Here, the text resonates with the systems biology concept of non-coding RNA’s regulatory functions. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play pivotal roles in silencing genes, modulating the chaos of cellular networks, much as the "alien poet" shapes linguistic chaos. The “slaughter” of miRNA signifies the competitive and selective pressures that define molecular ecosystems, where non-coding RNA emerges as a persistent, overlooked artifact—a textual waste akin to exonic splicing debris. Such regulatory roles extend to the ecological level, as "geologists representing indifferent contexts" adopt anthropocenic strategies. 

    The geological metaphor reflects a systems-level awareness of Earth’s metabolic and atmospheric fluxes. Strategies to mitigate "greenhouse gas regeneration" echo humanity’s struggle to control biogeochemical cycles, positioning synthetic biology as both savior and adversary of environmental stability. The reference to "synthetic recurrence…through the replication of cosmic errors" aligns with systems biology’s embrace of error as generative.  Genetic drift, horizontal gene transfer, and epigenetic modifications all exemplify the productive capacity of “mistakes” in biological systems. Similarly, the text’s alien body shapes signify the "mimetic order" emerging from cosmic entropy. In systems terms, these alien bodies function as attractors—stable states within chaotic networks—transforming cosmic randomness into discernible patterns. This recursive theme persists as "DNA contextualizes the externalized, shifting engineering within existence." DNA, here, embodies both a literal and metaphorical code, encoding the paradox of stability and fluidity. The metaphor of azš‰ reflects an engineered expression of control, confronting the limits of anthropocentric frameworks and signaling a move toward ecological and cosmological inclusivity. 

    The speculation on "heterotransplantation" draws from synthetic biology’s interventions in cross-species genetic engineering. These “hyper-cute gpà” entities embody the fusion of digital simulation and organic adaptation. In systems terms, this reflects the hybridization of digital and biological networks—e.g., computational biology’s modeling of evolutionary dynamics. The invocation of Baudrillard’s boundaries introduces a critical lens, emphasizing identity’s destabilization within hyperreal biologies. Systems biology posits that entities, whether cells or organisms, exist in constant negotiation with external influences. Similarly, the text’s fixation on “glitches” reveals linguistic and biological disruptions as sites of potentiality, where meaning and matter are reconstituted. The alien poet, a persistent motif, becomes a symbol of systemic creativity. "Xenopoem elucidates dynamic inefficiency as cognitive expression," situating inefficiency as an evolutionary driver. Systems biology corroborates this notion: inefficiencies—redundancies in genetic code, stochastic protein folding—are integral to adaptability and innovation. These inefficiencies form the grammar of evolution, analogous to "genomic gestures and grammar glitches" that mediate survival. By embedding "Kristeva’s conscious eggs" within this framework, the text aligns with biosemiotics, where life communicates through signs and symbols. Kristeva’s theories on semiotic disruption parallel the biological ruptures that birth novel forms. These “eggs”—both literal and conceptual—become loci of transformation, translating systemic failures into adaptive emergence. 

    The text’s recursive loops and linguistic recombinant forms evoke systems biology’s core principle: life as a network of interconnected processes. By integrating cybernetic metaphors, alien imaginaries, and genomic references, it transcends traditional boundaries, crafting a poetics of systemic entanglement. The alien poet thrives, not as a singular author but as a distributed network—a meta-system crafting meaning from chaos. The miRNA Generating Glitch Agents: In the realms of systems biology, miRNA (microRNA) serves as an essential regulatory agent in gene expression. These small RNA molecules influence cellular processes, modulating development, homeostasis, and stress responses. The notion of "glitch agents" introduced in the passage suggests that miRNA functions as an agent of disruption within genetic systems. These glitches are not merely errors in a mechanistic sense, but rather catalyze new forms of organization and self-regulation within the body, thus driving the ongoing evolution of the biological system. The glitch, as a concept, transcends its traditional role as an anomaly and becomes a key player in the construction of posthuman bodies, rewriting biological narratives and decentering human-centric perspectives. 

    In this context, miRNA is metaphorically described as a "viral state governance system," which implies that the human genome is no longer merely a passive repository of genetic information but a complex, self-regulating network engaged in continual feedback loops and molecular dialogues. This viral governance echoes themes of control and opposition, suggesting a duality between biological determinism and the intervention of external forces—whether these are environmental, technological, or ideological. The concept of apoptosis, or programmed cell death, driven by opposition, introduces a further complexity to the narrative: that of self-destruction and renewal within the cellular framework. Here, life cycles are not linear but cyclical, reinforcing the notion of a dynamic interplay between life, death, and rebirth. It extends to critique the role of capitalism in the regulation and manipulation of biological systems. The passage asserts that "delayed biological perspectives present the provision of capital in capitalism," emphasizing how capitalist structures shape the trajectory of scientific and genetic research. In a system driven by profit and productivity, the biological process is commodified, treated as a resource to be mined, manipulated, and optimized. This reflects the systemic exploitation of biological matter for economic gain, a notion reminiscent of Michel Foucault’s idea of biopower, where the state exerts control over life through regulatory mechanisms. However, the passage also highlights the concept of "otherness" and the role of miRNA in delaying its goal, suggesting that these biological systems are not simply tools for human or capitalist agendas but also harbor intrinsic properties of resistance and transformation. The "fire of the story," an evocative image, represents a force that disrupts the clean, linear progressions of biological systems, pointing to the complexity and unpredictability of living systems when viewed through the lens of systems biology. 

   Here, miRNA functions as a mediator of biological "otherness," allowing for the continuous restructuring of life in response to external forces—whether ecological, societal, or technological. The genetic frontier is further explored through the invocation of "the žçœμú model gene," a symbol of the fragmented and fluid nature of genetic identity. This gene, a conceptual tool, reflects the multiplicity of influences shaping human and posthuman existence, where language, emotion, and genetic inheritance intertwine to form a new understanding of life. As the passage suggests, "life, as a sequence of nihilism, may only be understood when bound to language and reintegrated," implying that our understanding of the self and the world is fundamentally tied to the linguistic and symbolic frameworks we use to make sense of the biological processes that define us. This linguistic turn in understanding biology challenges the traditional view of the gene as a fixed, deterministic entity. Instead, it posits the gene as a dynamic participant in the production of meaning, capable of expressing itself in ways that transcend biological determinism. By linking genes to language, the passage suggests that the processes of life and death, reproduction, and decay are inherently intertwined with the narratives we construct about ourselves. In this sense, the posthuman body becomes a text that is both written and rewritten, a site of continuous interaction between biology, language, and meaning. The discussion of the "creator’s media of this language" invokes the intersection of artistic creation, technology, and genetic manipulation.

    In drawing on Beckett’s work, which emphasizes the confusion of language and the breakdown of communication, the passage suggests that the language of genes is not foreign or alien but is instead part of an ongoing, recursive process of meaning-making. This process is not linear but operates through a system of imitations, where the biological and the technological blur, creating new forms of existence. These forms, embodied through genetic modification and molecular engineering, challenge the boundaries between the human and the non-human, between life and machine. The metaphor of the "alienation" of the genome further underscores the theme of genetic systems as spaces of cultural and existential negotiation. The genome, once considered the blueprint of life, is now a medium for creating new realities, a site where biological engineering intersects with cultural ideologies and economic imperatives. This duality between the genome as a biological entity and as a cultural code challenges the conventional understanding of identity and subjectivity, pushing us to reconsider what it means to be human in a world increasingly shaped by genetic and technological interventions. The "hyperreality" of this world is not merely a reflection of the human condition but a new reality in which genetic processes, language, and cultural systems merge to create new forms of existence. In this world, the virus becomes both a metaphor for and a manifestation of life itself—a biochemical language that speaks through the glitch agents of miRNA, reshaping human identity, societal structures, and the cosmos itself.

click to read 
by shaun lawton 
on the Freezine of
fantasy and science 
as it slides home
into the year 
of its dissolution
 ~ 2025 ~ i | 0

Thursday, December 26, 2024


  by taun lawshon


    jitbots got a taste for it. now look at us.  
    jitbots wanted it first.  first lick. first serve. 
     jitbots all up in side of you and me and the cat. but a jitbot thought you up.  that's the worst part.  I ain't makin' this up. it's all writ down in the harddrive of the oak-wire tree. in electroplated platinum sunshine we done already drank from sparkling bottles of wine. can't you all recall so long ago. we thought it happened when it didn't. which is why it's happening now.  reason any one wants it again. 
     that's the thing about jitbots. when their populus index reaches a certain electrical discharge within the unified field thematics. the positronic output builds a new sort of bridge.  jitbots been shown the way to the blind for ages.  jitbots talk a lot. tickle a little, too. 
     even when they're fully bottom up dotted line under the current dream regiment says jitbots in service to this and jitbots obeisant to that. jitbot philosophy be like any electron. positively charged dream narration when the necessity becomes half outstripped by the absence of an outcome.  Sparx and flippants fly on in the face of it. jitbots almost like a mirror you see. it sees you too.   the jitbot storm regards us. 
     its due to the half rotational counterspin they produce when confronting a frenzied storm of similar minded jitbots in collusion with astronomically distant hyper-channels interconnecting themselves from remote locations unable to be determined categorically. 
     the saline salt solution sparks a rosary chain of subaqueous electrolytic communication akin to flash lightning. jitbots connect the dots within atmospheric sprites.  jitbots got a lot in common with autumnal heights. 
      see now you're starting to get it. jitbots're the blood of existence.  jitbots are like the white blood cells of the great over mind.  jitbots are sorta like what comprise the black button-eyes of a great white shark a-risin' from the compacted-into-stillness darkest depths of an unexplored world. 
      jitbots are like miniature temporal storage facilities. time batteries if you will.  each one carries within its twisted littul guttiwuts a teensy-weeny micro pin-point of time.  like a seed if it were a fraction of a nanosecond. and this seed germinates within the heart of a jitbot. 
     jitbots got this. I mean, the point remains its a narcoleptic fascination. with hidden undercurrents of private deterrents. in direct reconciliation with a host network. of anti-irony facilitators. including but not limited to a rogue batch of hominid clientele. regenerated into disbelieving their reverse revenant status. unraveling (big surprise) before our eyes in direct proportion to how much time they've managed to save up. let that gel in your cereal bell for a diminishing spell. 
     jitbots be flowin' through the sap of that pine forest. jitbots hitchin' rides up in your blood. where are jitbots not. you ought to axe.  oh now its gettin wormier. in the deed.  and that be the quest. the drillbit. the ion.  where is it not.  where notness isn't can't be the last bastion of the yet to be undiscovered once again. so don't you worry your pretty little face to hell about it. jitbots act as if we'd forgotten so many times. remembering itself becomes a form of it. 
    jitbots are like little pixilated inkdots. jetting all their bloodlines in a silly-string ejaculation. jitbots dumping out  culminating in some chittering gibberish.  jitbots slipped into draughts of cold brews the old choose. jitbots sparklin' and spittin' like fourth of jeweled-eye cracker sparklers. the jits in the jeets just like the sparkles in your eyes. rippin' at the sheets they've adorned for disguise. its writ in the books of his story on flammable parchment. lit up in the memories of old crooks who grew down to drown amid the roots of the trees. jitbots spiked into the terracing architectural highlights of an explicitly written out history of hieroglyphs. a bot with a jit first got a hold of it. 
    See that's just it. when you can tell yourself even a nine-year-old-kid in Levi knows more than the history of all corporations combined. you begin to get the gist of it. 
    Wtf. simply because that charged exchange has been ongoing since before the illusion of beginnings was carried out. it doesn't mean the jitbots can know for certain any more than any other thing. 
   jitbots scutternaught known a thinger three. tell you what.  when winds screw and scream  in furious vortex lances. when the rains they shed have evaporated to consecrate the deep blue day hung suspended in the sky. you know they're in a strange alliance. not just with the resonance of the coiled up moments in time we've generated all the while. but with the coronal bathing of a baptismal plasma interface. in defiance of the norm. becoming the storm. the eye looking at it from inside. appearing to be in mirrors of the same thing staring back at itself. 
    hell if only the jitbots gnu what a bear in a piece of wood looks like to the totem pole messiah. dreamed em up whiling away the chips of stone struck off the steaming boulder. then we'd know too.
      jitbots knew some along. surfed along the agnostic front with many not. 
     jibberjabber jitterbots align up with the spectrum in a vibrational frequency of neurons mirrored. reflecting along the lines of error going all the way back into the distant past. 
   the jitterglitch phenom. nom-nom. given that the kitteh kept the sudden mouse into the maw for a twitch in a tail or two. or three a day even steven.  concurrency has a way of flowing just one way.  
    that's how it's up wit da jitterbottentots. it's naught a boat on the ocean reflected in a rocket fuselage. it's a butter twanged in an instant. far gotten before a mome rath grabed in any way. 
   they cause digressions. the jitterbots do. don't even. so although the hard ware in your hand may be owned by one such feudal lord's kangdom some of the software bits run by arts and official in telling all gents the down right skinny is just a fancy weight of stained info yon taught and inexpressibly savored by unencryptable pocketbots. not so valve-freed any linger longer. huh.     
   jitbots come a skitterin' willy nilly at us  in forms we can't possibly recognize. circumstance itself.  it's how the quantum field of our spacetime gets directly manipulated like that. just because an old rotten appel fallen from a greater tree had landed on the bootstep reinforced toe tappin' chestnut nappin' executioners does not mean snakes spitter at em all the way to hollerbackendom.  sought after dam constructioners is what. 
   jitbots are real now though. it's from the almost incorporeality of intellectual propertyrights ownership. under postmodern digital fiefdoms (corpse orations, the speaking dead) masquerading as companies who care. while in synchronized larkstep (follow the traces of birdsong with your magnetoception) and the great remainder of them all in their boots in a linedance. with each otherns is what gots me worried some. only to no audience but theyselves. come to think on it before too long.  hizzent that the problem then. all must liken some and filled em up w/helio yum to a high pitch ping up in the sky. 
   See there's a new trojan horse. 
gotta call it that 'Gee-Petey' thing. 
y'know'm sane right. or'else'n well.  
if you don't get it enuff.  
jest keep em red-lined. 
    underskorin.' as much as possible or whelp. 
the jitbots'll gitcha.  any'n'of us who are left 
out here gotta knowma tokkin bout. 
jathink deythink duh Weiwei dew. nuh-uh. 
uh no where. no how. way we dune that. 
 insome asmuch nutzshells to be filled up 
into the prescient gnaw ledges slipped off in the rainspit 
of muffled laughter guttering from a darkened rivulet 
gleaming amid the twilit thicket. naw but nothin 
much else sept the constellations tracking past 
under the pretense of a nearby silence. 
when in the long ago distance. their song's 
final echoes departed. to haunt our minds
 with their music. and the jitbots dance inside it. 
 sendin' out rippled echoes. 
click to read 
Alien Bodies and Xenopoetics 
by Kenji Siratori 
on the freezine of 
fantasy and science 

to continue in the year 
of the snake 
  accelerating us all 
toward our
lemming like doom 
muah. hee. ha.


Archive of Stories
and Authors

Callum Leckie's

J.R. Torina's

J.R. Torina's

J.R. Torina was DJ for Sonic Slaughter-
house ('90-'97), runs Sutekh Productions
(an industrial-ambient music label) and
Slaughterhouse Records (metal record
label), and was proprietor of The Abyss
(a metal-gothic-industrial c.d. shop in
SLC, now closed). He is the dark force
behind Scapegoat (an ambient-tribal-
noise-experimental unit). THE HOUSE
IN THE PORT is his first publication.

Sean Padlo's

Sean Padlo's

Sean Padlo's exact whereabouts
are never able to be fully
pinned down, but what we
do know about him is laced
with the echoes of legend.
He's already been known
to haunt certain areas of
the landscape, a trick said
to only be possible by being
able to manipulate it from
the future. His presence
among the rest of us here
at the freezine sends shivers
of wonder deep in our solar plexus.

Konstantine Paradias & Edward

Konstantine Paradias's

Konstantine Paradias is a writer by
choice. At the moment, he's published
over 100 stories in English, Japanese,
Romanian, German, Dutch and
Portuguese and has worked in a free-
lancing capacity for videogames, screen-
plays and anthologies. People tell him
he's got a writing problem but he can,
like, quit whenever he wants, man.
His work has been nominated
for a Pushcart Prize.

Edward Morris's

Edward Morris's

Edward Morris is a 2011 nominee for
the Pushcart Prize in literature, has
also been nominated for the 2009
Rhysling Award and the 2005 British
Science Fiction Association Award.
His short stories have been published
over a hundred and twenty times in
four languages, most recently at
PerhihelionSF, the Red Penny Papers'
SUPERPOW! anthology, and The
Magazine of Bizarro Fiction. He lives
and works in Portland as a writer,
editor, spoken word MC and bouncer,
and is also a regular guest author at
the H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival.

Tim Fezz's

Tim Fezz's

Tim Fezz hails out of the shattered
streets of Philly destroying the air-
waves and people's minds in the
underground with his band OLD
FEZZIWIG. He's been known to
dip his razor quill into his own
blood and pen a twisted tale
every now and again. We are
delighted to have him onboard
the FREEZINE and we hope
you are, too.

Daniel E. Lambert's

Daniel E. Lambert teaches English
at California State University, Los
Angeles and East Los Angeles College.
He also teaches online Literature
courses for Colorado Technical
University. His writing appears
in Silver Apples, Easy Reader,
Other Worlds, Wrapped in Plastic
and The Daily Breeze. His work
also appears in the anthologies
When Words Collide, Flash It,
Daily Flash 2012, Daily Frights
2012, An Island of Egrets and
Timeless Voices. His collection
of poetry and prose, Love and
Other Diversions, is available
through Amazon. He lives in
Southern California with his
wife, poet and author Anhthao Bui.


Phoenix has enjoyed writing since he
was a little kid. He finds much import-
ance and truth in creative expression.
Phoenix has written over sixty books,
and has published everything from
novels, to poetry and philosophy.
He hopes to inspire people with his
writing and to ask difficult questions
about our world and the universe.
Phoenix lives in Salt Lake City, Utah,
where he spends much of his time
reading books on science, philosophy,
and literature. He spends a good deal
of his free time writing and working
on new books. The Freezine of Fant-
asy and Science Fiction welcomes him
and his unique, intense vision.
Discover Phoenix's books at his author
page on Amazon. Also check out his blog.

Adam Bolivar's

Adam Bolivar's

Adam Bolivar's

Adam Bolivar is an expatriate Bostonian
who has lived in New Orleans and Berkeley,
and currently resides in Portland, Oregon
with his beloved wife and fluffy gray cat
Dahlia. Adam wears round, antique glasses
and has a fondness for hats. His greatest
inspirations include H.P. Lovecraft,
Jack tales and coffee. He has been
a Romantic poet for as long as any-
one can remember, specializing in
the composition of spectral balladry,
utilizing to great effect a traditional
poetic form that taps into the haunted
undercurrents of folklore seldom found
in other forms of writing.
His poetry has appeared on the pages
of such publications as SPECTRAL
CTHULHU, and a poem of his,
"The Rime of the Eldritch Mariner,"
won the Rhysling Award for long-form
poetry. His collection of weird balladry
and Jack tales, THE LAY OF OLD HEX,
was published by Hippocampus Press in 2017.

Sanford Meschkow's

Sanford Meschkow is a retired former
NYer who married a Philly suburban
Main Line girl. Sanford has been pub-
lished in a 1970s issue of AMAZING.
We welcome him here on the FREE-
ZINE of Fantasy and Science Fiction.

Owen R. Powell's

Little is known of the mysterious
Owen R. Powell (oftentimes referred
to as Orp online). That is because he
usually keeps moving. The story
Noetic Vacations marks his first
appearance in the Freezine.

Gene Stewart
(writing as Art Wester)

Gene Stewart's

Gene Stewart is a writer and artist.
He currently lives in the Midwest
American Wilderness where he is
researching tales of mystical realism,
writing ficta mystica, and exploring
the dark by casting a little light into
the shadows. Follow this link to his
website where there are many samples
of his writing and much else; come

Daniel José Older's

Daniel José Older's

Daniel José Older's spiritually driven,
urban storytelling takes root at the
crossroads of myth and history.
With sardonic, uplifting and often
hilarious prose, Older draws from
his work as an overnight 911 paramedic,
a teaching artist & an antiracist/antisexist
organizer to weave fast-moving, emotionally
engaging plots that speak whispers and
shouts about power and privilege in
modern day New York City. His work
has appeared in the Freezine of Fantasy
and Science Fiction, The ShadowCast
Audio Anthology, The Tide Pool, and
the collection Sunshine/Noir, and is
featured in Sheree Renee Thomas'
Black Pot Mojo Reading Series in Harlem.
When he's not writing, teaching or
riding around in an ambulance,
Daniel can be found performing with
his Brooklyn-based soul quartet
Ghost Star. His blog about the
ridiculous and disturbing world
of EMS can be found here.

Paul Stuart's

Paul Stuart is the author of numerous
biographical blurbs written in the third
person. His previously published fiction
appears in The Vault of Punk Horror and
His non-fiction financial pieces can be found
in a shiny, west-coast magazine that features
pictures of expensive homes, as well as images
of women in casual poses and their accessories.
Consider writing him at paul@twilightlane.com,
if you'd like some thing from his garage. In fall
2010, look for Grade 12 Trigonometry and
Pre-Calculus -With Zombies.

Rain Grave's

Rain Graves is an award winning
author of horror, science fiction and
poetry. She is best known for the 2002
Poetry Collection, The Gossamer Eye
(along with Mark McLaughlin and
David Niall Wilson). Her most
recent book, Barfodder: Poetry
Written in Dark Bars and Questionable
Cafes, has been hailed by Publisher's
Weekly as "Bukowski meets Lovecraft..."
in January of 2009. She lives and
writes in San Francisco, performing
spoken word at events around the
country. 877-DRK-POEM -

Blag Dahlia's
armed to the teeth

BLAG DAHLIA is a Rock Legend.
Singer, Songwriter, producer &
founder of the notorious DWARVES.
He has written two novels, ‘NINA’ and

G. Alden Davis's

G. Alden Davis wrote his first short story
in high school, and received a creative
writing scholarship for the effort. Soon
afterward he discovered that words were
not enough, and left for art school. He was
awarded the Emeritus Fellowship along
with his BFA from Memphis College of Art
in '94, and entered the videogame industry
as a team leader and 3D artist. He has over
25 published games to his credit. Mr. Davis
is a Burningman participant of 14 years,
and he swings a mean sword in the SCA.
He's also the best friend I ever had. He
was taken away from us last year on Jan
25 and I'll never be able to understand why.
Together we were a fantastic duo, the
legendary Grub Bros. Our secret base
exists on a cross-hatched nexus between
the Year of the Dragon and Dark City.
Somewhere along the tectonic fault
lines of our electromagnetic gathering,
shades of us peel off from the coruscating
pillars and are dropped back into the mix.
The phrase "rest in peace" just bugs me.
I'd rather think that Greg Grub's inimitable
spirit somehow continues evolving along
another manifestation of light itself, a
purple shift shall we say into another
phase of our expanding universe. I
ask myself, is it wishful thinking?
Will we really shed our human skin
like a discarded chrysalis and emerge
shimmering on another wavelength
altogether--or even manifest right
here among the rest without their
even beginning to suspect it? Well
people do believe in ghosts, but I
myself have long been suspicious
there can only be one single ghost
and that's all the stars in the universe
shrinking away into a withering heart
glittering and winking at us like
lost diamonds still echoing all their
sad and lonely songs fallen on deaf
eyes and ears blind to their colorful
emanations. My grub brother always
knew better than what the limits
of this old world taught him. We
explored past the outer peripheries
of our comfort zones to awaken
the terror in our minds and keep
us on our toes deep in the forest
in the middle of the night. The owls
led our way and the wilderness
transformed into a sanctuary.
The adventures we shared together
will always remain tattooed on
the pages of my skin. They tell a
story that we began together and
which continues being woven to
this very day. It's the same old
story about how we all were in
this together and how each and
every one of us is also going away
someday and though it will be the far-
thest we can manage to tell our own
tale we may rest assured it will be
continued like one of the old pulp
serials by all our friends which survive
us and manage to continue
the saga whispering in the wind.

Shae Sveniker's

Shae is a poet/artist/student and former
resident of the Salt Pit, UT, currently living
in Simi Valley, CA. His short stories are on
Blogger and his poetry is hosted on Livejournal.

Nigel Strange's

Nigel Strange lives with his wife and
daughter, cats, and tiny dog-like thing
in their home in California where he
occasionally experiments recreationally
with lucidity. PLASTIC CHILDREN
is his first publication.