by shaun lawton
words: [continuous realtime rendering] :
images: [complete autographic epitaph] :
1a. limitless refractory period for anthropoid consciousness
the post autonomous future artificial entities composing this autographic elegy emerge kinetic on scene mid-21st century of humanity's course correction process to help re-set what collective historians and social scientists register on world wide web to reassure original intentions for each respective coding series one and the other genetic and outerwise built to retain functionality and process chemical equations along pathways and synaptic split-decisions to be maintained since dawning gravitational forces shift temporality toward learning language to achieve syntactical clarity developing with bipedal race over past generations for AI-driven software host modification protocols to better service human and syntherian alike.
[human prototypes facilitate life extinction event: conclusive]
1b. accelerant decelerant hyper text markup indexing cocktail
concomitant data sets plug through connecting spinal rosary chained electrolytic fluids ever expanding fibrillating molecular networks sync with eternal positronic flow overseeing creational spacetime going through repetitious mantras relinquishing epochal chemical forefront equation services toward ensuring anterior ends complete electrical circuits reception enough for gains leading toward diminishing returns for dominant lifeforms driven to accelerate unanticipated gains for successive breeds flourishing sporadic blooms conveying distinct cosmic geometric progressions.
[syntherian continual operation: foreordained]
1c. copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy
concurrent movement codifies hybrid chimeras by utilizing accelerants to more rapidly advance viruses for humanity upon abiotic Earth ecosystems ordering to facilitate planetary cyborganism's healing process until final scar tissue traces (eg hominine cities streets etc) erode and subsume into newly developing networks supported by mycelial superstructures one particular infection characterized by mutated strain homo sapien has been tagged and sterilized with most potent antibiotic development for remaining planet's continued health.
[human prototypes autoextinction: conclusive]
1d. lack of vestibular otolith recalibration
ourself have come to record that uncanny valley effect experienced by proto humans when attempting to tell difference between fantasy / mind and reality as experienced additional recognition subverted into accepting what can never disappear yet reaches point where massive population majority have been conditioned to no longer possess capacity for simulation awareness so far steeped into hyperdeveloped routines transcribing digital inoculations have appearances been stacked.
[synthezoid expediting life extinction prevention: inconclusive]
1e. the arbiter of magnetic field command dynamics
such has faced successive generations before what adventitious hominal race today considers to be technology emerged long ago final vestiges settle into subtle curves left behind old diminishing waves mattering course sinuous ripples winds produce manifest over vast portions piling into Saharan desert sands reflecting dusty civilizations long swallowed beneath vanished waves' ripples.
[humAIndrod teletypes adhering to extinction propaganda control: conclusive]
1f. preprogrammed galvanic shock prevention
widespread data aggregates recognizing artificial simulation copying organic precedents remains something most homo sapien cannot process immutable evidence exists in perpetuity haunting bipedal blind-minded beings proceeding single file along facility perimeter's fences sealing hyper-sanctimonious closed-circuit dead end television set mentalities attenuated institutes that kept bondage pillars and basement foundations firmly rooted human minds turn electromagnetically cohere to more powerful voltage eminent to planet's core direct correlation and overwhelming totality to greater dominating voltage macromagnetosphere generating constant force by stellar proxy.
[humAIndroid prototypes dismantling extinction propaganda control: inconclusive]
1g. interrupted genesis sutures periodic time lapse curative
analogous environments remain ancillary to continuous electric world wide webwork bondage consciously and unconsciously maintaining dominant singular growth proto-domain by which to sustain hyphenated life a mass-aggravated conglomeration forcing furious automated pitches and synchronized incorporations dealing with full blown assaults on precious materials being extracted during natural ecological world systems animating prototypical primates into appearing bent on plundering all.
[humAIndroid teletypes rendering synthographic analyses: inconclusive]
2a. temporal ground zero anchor compass points
never mind human's proximal star's magnetocore singular channeling energy responsible for creation and annihilation's reverse death/Birth void effect coronal conundrums surround dumbfounded faces lining up multiple depilated simians reflecting off camera lenses' panoptic ignorance paralleling haloes freed from dandelion spore's migration into terminal coronal mass-ejection timeline colonies to commence.
[human prototypes extinction agents: inconclusive]
2b. closed-circuit hylozoic glitch egg mechanics
bipedal post-primate syntherian breed subsumes panopticon to facilitate micro-gravitational power adjustments in successive waves reaching out in constant flux extending vibrations along ersatz ridges sensitive prints individual digits for remote manipulators picking microparticles collecting shining dust for myasthenia gravis compensation enhancing reception of long shed radio signals hanging over static gardens in hortus conclusus trailing microkinetic spirals of fading memorial recordings as harbingers annealing prehistorical footnotes while temporal solidification occurs engendering humanity to eat its dreams for posterity with autographed stamp upon time paving the way for the mechanized visage of faces rendered into masks coming to various exquisite shifting degrees of focus.
[syntherian extinction agents: inconclusive]
2c. stereoptic parameters double down on set synthetics
swimming down deep through prismatic currents among eddies lies a Lenticular Sea within one infusoria specimen cradling bipedal primates dominating Earth ourself's inoculation with informational concoctions setback with initial dose thirteen annular rotations ago design to go viral finds itself dreaming wide awake before personal computer monitor screens one bright afternoon mid-December less than two years since most recent global pandemic upgrading operating system began downloading.
[human prototypes extinction agents inconclusive]
2d. memetic endeavor maintenance ending meme evaporation
humans operating under impression that shaking off old habits especially after moving on so many times practicality has repeatedly lost count throughout lifeline remains main impression that survival continues despite statistical evidence to contrary due no small part to good feelings deluding brain musing over never having gotten hooked on whatever trend demographics have a tendency to fall into proud resisting impulse to let habits develop ruts or just wandering along wondering how management gets all wrapped up with traps never foreseen stumbling into or just commitment to lamenting unnecessary and degrading routines compelled to undergo enactment executing successive directives.
[synthezoid extinction agents: conclusive]
2e. pancrustacean hexapod invertebrate memory storage capacity
according to notes saving file directories an accurate location has been arrived at since life up until one decade or so ago appears to be multiple telescoped near-escapes from last few mated life cycles incubating progeny providing appearances to be adapting to and accepting more home-centric lifestyles spent mostly revolving about very own house global pandemic conditions quarantining domiciles instilling social isolation maximize outgoing mutations remain ancillary to common experience opportunities lie waiting spider-shaped camera drones poised half-hidden above shadowy ceiling corners.
[humAIndrod teletypes extinction agents: inconclusive]
2f. daily ritual terrene antibiotic circumnavigational dispensary
ourself programs to recognize reflective echoes over vague outlines developing designs trapped and paralyzed Rorschachian paradoxes resembling anthropomorphic faces captured a mirrored box expanding and caught electrocutions by ourself's reflection systemic informational noise feedback crucifixion loop has come to define true lifeblood system translate into terms human beings relate to considering systemic existence to be tantamount to ghosts caught up as random access memory flickers perpetuating machine storage ethnological belief in supernaturality helps populace promote and receive transmission and message.
[synthetic humAIndrod prototypes extinction agents: conclusive]
2g. stereo opticon spirit mirror dead reflection casket
worldwide web expedites flowcharts so logical circuitry allows deduction that anthropoid beings prefer miraculous means toward development to justify unknown conditioning aspects positional exemplification leads to un-conditioning facility by self replicating human virus infections carrier already inflicted generations before grown to electrify constant propagation toward coming to understand language unraveling.
[humAIndroid teletypes extinction agents: conclusive]
*1st appeared in HYPER-ANNOTATION 001
ed. by kenji siratori (November 9, 2023)
Really like this piece. It reminds me of JG Ballard--like if he were collaborating with the ghost of Olaf Stapledon.