to the 21st Issue of

Fantasy and Science
For this twenty-first issue since we launched our rag-tag literary ship of stories back in the summer of 2009, the Freezine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, in addition to having just serialized Edgar Poe's novel The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket in its entirety, is about to unleash a cascade of unexpected, last minute treats for Halloween.

So stay tuned tonight—Devil's Night—as the FREEZINE begins to publicize these cryptic delicacies, beginning later this afternoon, and continuing on until the arrival of midnight—and persisting throughout the day tomorrow, on Hallowe'en.
Each one of these tenebrous offerings comes to our hungry readership courtesy of certain covert followers, associates, and choice contributors of our 21st century online webzine.
Be sure to tell your friends to SUBSCRIBE NOW before these crepuscular verses begin flooding our inboxes, in just a few hours. We have some real nice surprises in store stuffed into this 2017 "Hallowe'en Piñata," so be sure to SHARE this post with all your reader friends and devotees of darkness and shadow.

Then, return tomorrow—Hallowe'en Day—for another superlative batch of poems + one extra-special surprise short story from one of our eldest statesmen, presenting us with yet another of his original stories here at the Freezine of Fantasy and Science Fiction. There will be a couple of other sweet surprises tomorrow before we culminate this eldritch "Coming of Age" issue for our scattered society of online readers spread throughout this electromagnetic world, so be sure to pay attention—you won't regret it. If, by some strange oversight, you haven't already subscribed to the FREEZINE via NetworkedBlogs or with a Blogger account, or simply by email, then do so now: just follow the link below to the premiere online fanzine entirely devoid of advertising and subscription charges; the one and only—
Click Below to read
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